Crown And Bridge

Crown And Bridge

Your teeth must never go out of style!!
Is your temporary restoration from Root canal-treated tooth bothering you every now and then? Well it’s high that you should stop neglecting this. We at Horizon Dental can bring your style on point by placing a crown on the root canal-treated tooth. It can help you overcome your partially hampered tooth structures.

Crowns are restorations that resemble your teeth shape and cover all your teeth surfaces. We at Horizon dental bring forth various options to give you that perfect smile.

Types of crown
Inlays and Onlays
Porcelain fused metal crown
Crowns like ceramic, zirconia offer the best aesthetic appeal as they are tooth-coloured however other crowns are a little less aesthetic but great in strength

Do you feel ashamed of your missing tooth often?
Who would not be as it not only impacts aesthetic appearance but also leads to speaking inefficiency, TMJ disorders, etc

Well, missing teeth should not be your concern from now on as we have your back now

A bridge can fix your teeth gaps with utmost perfection. How?? Well, a bridge uses the teeth adjacent to missing teeth as the abutment (supporting teeth) and everyone gets to see your perfect smile

Worried?? Which option to choose from?

You can leave that on us, our dental experts will guide you to choose what suits you best..